Sunday, August 9, 2009

In the afterglow of a concert

Last night I had the most amazing time. I got to see Def Leppard for the first time in concert. I must say it was probably the best concert I've ever been too and I will definetely have to see them again. We were late so we missed Cheap Trick and the beginning of Poison's set. I'm not really a fan of Cheap Trick so it didn't break my heart. I was just happy I got to see Poison perform my favorite songs by them. They were great live and quite entertaining. It was awesome to sing along with the band in a crowd so loud that you could almost hear them over the crowd. It was even better to experience being told to sing along or for the band. It was like that during Poison and even better during Def Leppard. They were amazing from the time they went on. The crowd was really into it. I think the best part was that I could see the stage from my seat. I did look at the monitor screens for a better view. It was loud and I loved singing along, dancing, and just getting into the music. I did notice the crowd was louder on the older songs than the newer ones. I had so much fun just seeing one of my favorite bands perform and getting to sing along at the top of my lungs. I have to see them again because that was a night that I was sad to see end.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Adventures in house sitting

I'm sitting here watching Psych and debating on how late to stay up tonight consider I have things to do tomorrow. My aunt is home from her vacation tomorrow and my week of house sitting will be up. The thing is I need to clean the kitchen before she gets home. She left a canteloupe on the counter. I don't eat them so it's rotted. I have to wash my dirty dishes and take out the trash. Add to it the Cat that has driven me insane. I love cats but this one takes the cake. She expects to be fed constantly and I'm feeding her twice a day and giving her treats. She has scratched and bit me to the point of drawing blood for sitting and watching tv instead of feeding her again. She wakes me up by meowing or pouncing on me. She's just well a spoiled cat. I'm not used to it being just me so I've spent the week in complete paranoia. The cat isn't my only company though. There are three dogs outside that I have to feed and tend to. One of them broke his chain and is also having to be given medicine daily. I've enjoyed the time alone and the OnDemand movies and internet. I just hope I'm getting paid more than having a manicure done. I mean I've spent a week bored as hell babysitting a spoiled cat and three dogs that bark all the time. The peace and quiet is nice but my time has to be worth something.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Welcome to my blog

This is not my first blog but for the first time I'm taking my blogging seriously and making it no holds barred. If it happens in my life I'm reporting it -- with the exception of the things that I wish to keep private. I, like, most people enjoy my privacy. Through my eyes anyone who reads this will get to know not only me but how I see life as well as learning about the world around me and the things I enjoy most. I'm a 21 year old college student. It took me until just very recently to realize what I wanted to study in college. Three years of college and I finally declare a major I can stick with. I've majored in Theatre and History. The Theatre major only lasted one semester while the History major lasted two years. I have completed a minor in History and am now focusing on my new major - the one I should have had all along - which is Studio Art/Graphic Design and finishing my degree. I have goals for my life which I hope to achieve. I love art and hope to be a successful artist one day.